
/el'euh fan"teen, -tuyn, -tin, el"euh feuhn teen', -tuyn'/, adj.
1. pertaining to or resembling an elephant.
2. huge, ponderous, or clumsy: elephantine movements; elephantine humor.
[1620-30; < L elephantinus < Gk elephántinos. See ELEPHANT, -INE1]

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Arabic  Jazīrat Aswān,  

      island in the Nile opposite Aswān city in Aswān muḥāfaẓah (governorate), Upper Egypt. Elephantine is the Greek name for pharaonic Abu. There the 18th- and 19th-dynasty pharaohs built a large temple to Khnum, the ram god of the cataract region, to his consort, Sati, and to Anuket, goddess of nearby Sehel. To the north stands the Old and Middle Kingdom shrine. Numerous outstanding rock tombs of the Old and Middle Kingdom nobles of the city are situated high in the cliff on the west bank of the Nile. In the Old Kingdom (c. 2575c. 2130 BC) Elephantine was known as thedoor of the south,” since it was the most southerly city in Egypt and the starting point for Sudanese trade. In the Middle Kingdom (1938c. 1600? BC) it was an administrative centre for Egyptian-controlled Nubia. During the New Kingdom (15391075 BC), the region was part of the province of Nubia, but, from the Saite period (664525 BC), it again became a frontier fortress. In modern times the island is the site of two Nubian villages.

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