electric ray

electric ray
any ray of the family Torpedinidae, capable of emitting strong electric discharges.

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Any of the aquatic rays (families Torpedinidae, Narkidae, and Temeridae) that produce an electrical shock.

They are found worldwide in warm and temperate seas, mostly in shallow water but some (genus Benthobatis) at depths greater than 3,000 ft (900 m). Slow-moving bottom-dwellers, they feed on fishes and invertebrates. They range in length from less than 1 ft (30 cm) to about 6 ft (1.8 m) and have a short, stout tail. They are soft and smooth-skinned, with a circular or nearly circular body disk formed by the head and pectoral fins. They are harmless unless touched or stepped on. The electric organs, composed of modified muscle tissue, are in the disk near the head. The shock from these organs, which may reach 220 volts and is strong enough to fell a human adult, is used for defense, sensory location, and capturing prey.

Electric ray (Narcine brasiliensis)

Douglas Faulkner

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also called  torpedo, torpedo fish, numbfish, or crampfish,  
 any of the rays of the families Torpedinidae, Narkidae, Narcinidae, and Hypnidae, named for their ability to produce electrical shocks. They are found worldwide in warm and temperate waters.

      There are numerous species of electric ray; most inhabit shallow water, but some (Benthobatis) live at depths of 1,000 m (3,300 feet) and more. Slow-moving bottom dwellers, electric rays feed on fishes and invertebrates. They are harmless unless touched or stepped on and are of negligible commercial interest.

      Electric rays range in length from under 30 cm (1 foot) to about 2 m (6 feet). They are soft and smooth-skinned, with a circular or nearly circular body disk formed by the head and pectoral fins. The electric organs, composed of modified muscle tissue, are in the disk, one on each side of the head. The shock from these organs is used in defense, sensory location, and capturing prey. Electric shocks emitted reach 220 volts and are strong enough to fell a human adult. In ancient Greece and Rome, the shocks of the species Torpedo nobiliana were used as a treatment for gout, headache, and other maladies.

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  • electric ray — noun any sluggish bottom dwelling ray of the order Torpediniformes having a rounded body and electric organs on each side of the head capable of emitting strong electric discharges • Syn: ↑crampfish, ↑numbfish, ↑torpedo • Hypernyms: ↑ray • Member …   Useful english dictionary

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  • electric ray — noun Date: 1774 any of various round bodied short tailed rays (family Torpedinidae) of warm seas with a pair of electric organs …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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