elder statesman

elder statesman
1. an influential citizen, often a retired high official, whose advice is sought by government leaders.
2. any influential member of a company, group, etc., whose advice is respected.
3. Japanese Hist. any of the political leaders who retired from official office but continued to exert a strong influence in the government and who controlled the emperor's privy council, esp. in the period 1898-1914.

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  • elder statesman — n. 1. Historical in Japan, any of a number of retired statesmen who served informally as a group of advisors to the emperor 2. any elderly retired statesman who continues to be consulted unofficially on governmental matters …   English World dictionary

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  • elder statesman — noun count 1. ) someone with a lot of experience in politics or government who is given a lot of respect 2. ) an experienced and respected member of a group or organization …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • elder statesman — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms elder statesman : singular elder statesman plural elder statesmen 1) someone with a lot of experience in politics or government who is given a lot of respect 2) an experienced and respected member of a group or …   English dictionary

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  • elder statesman — noun 1. any influential person whose advice is highly respected • Hypernyms: ↑important person, ↑influential person, ↑personage 2. an elderly statesman whose advice is sought be government leaders • Hypernyms: ↑statesman, ↑solon, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • elder statesman — noun Date: 1904 an eminent senior member of a group or organization; especially a retired statesman who unofficially advises current leaders …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Elder statesman — Der Begriff Staatsmann bezeichnet einen Mann des Staates, einen Politiker in hohen staatlichen Ämtern, in der Regel Staats oder Regierungschefs, die nach Auffassung der öffentlichen Meinung etwas geleistet haben, das über alltägliche Politik… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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