
effetely, adv.effeteness, n.
/i feet"/, adj.
1. lacking in wholesome vigor; degenerate; decadent: an effete, overrefined society.
2. exhausted of vigor or energy; worn out: an effete political force.
3. unable to produce; sterile.
[1615-25; < L effeta exhausted from bearing, equiv. to ef- EF- + feta having brought forth, fem. ptp. of lost v.; see FETUS]
Syn. 2. enervated, debilitated.

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  • effete — index decadent, ineffective, ineffectual, otiose, powerless, stale, unproductive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • effete — 1620s, from L. effetus (usually in fem. effeta) exhausted, unproductive, worn out (with bearing offspring), past bearing, lit. that has given birth, from a lost verb, *efferi, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + fetus childbearing, offspring (see… …   Etymology dictionary

  • effete — ► ADJECTIVE 1) affected, over refined, and ineffectual. 2) having lost vitality; worn out. DERIVATIVES effetely adverb effeteness noun. ORIGIN Latin effetus worn out by bearing young ; related to FETUS(Cf. ↑fetus) …   English terms dictionary

  • effete — [e fēt′, ifēt′] adj. [L effetus, that has brought forth offspring, exhausted < ex , out + fetus, productive: for IE base see FEMALE] 1. no longer capable of producing; spent and sterile 2. lacking vigor, force of character, moral stamina,… …   English World dictionary

  • effete — adjective Etymology: Latin effetus, from ex + fetus fruitful more at feminine Date: 1660 1. no longer fertile 2. a. having lost character, vitality, or strength < the effete monarchies…of feudal Europe G. M. Trevelyan > b. marked by weakness or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • effete — adjective 1) effete trendies Syn: affected, pretentious, precious, mannered, overrefined; ineffectual; informal la di da Ant: unpretentious 2) an effete young man Syn: effeminate …   Thesaurus of popular words

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