economy class

economy class
economy-class, adj.
a low-priced type of accommodation for travel, esp. on an airplane.

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  • Economy-Class — Economy Class …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Economy class — on the KM Awu (Pelni) in Indonesia Economy class, also called coach class (or just coach), steerage, or standard class, is the lowest class of seating in air travel, rail travel, and sometimes ferry or maritime travel. Historically, this travel… …   Wikipedia

  • economy class — ➔ class * * * economy class UK US noun [U] (also economy) TRANSPORT ► the cheapest type of air travel, or the part of a plane where people who have booked this type of air travel sit: »fly/travel economy class economy class adjective [before… …   Financial and business terms

  • economy-class — UK US noun [U] (also economy) TRANSPORT ► the cheapest type of air travel, or the part of a plane where people who have booked this type of air travel sit: »fly/travel economy class economy class adjective [before noun] ► »economy class… …   Financial and business terms

  • economy class — /i kɒnəmi kla:s/, it. /ɛ kɔnomi klas/ locuz. ingl. (propr. classe economica ), usata in ital. come s.f. (trasp.) [classe economica o turistica nei viaggi per mare o in aereo] ▶◀ (fam.) economica, turistica. ◀▶ business (o top ) class …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • economy class — /eˈkɔnomiklas, ingl. ɪˈkHnəmɪˌklɑːs/ [loc. ingl., propr. «classe economica»] loc. sost. f. inv. (sugli aerei) classe turistica CFR. business class …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Economy Class — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: Schiffsreisen und Belege Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • economy class — ADJ: ADJ n On an aeroplane, an economy class ticket or seat is the cheapest available. The price includes two econony class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles. ADV: ADV after v Economy class is also an adverb. He prefers to fly economy class.… …   English dictionary

  • economy class — noun a class of accommodations on a ship or train or plane that are less expensive than first class accommodations • Syn: ↑cabin class, ↑second class • Hypernyms: ↑accommodation * * * economy class, a class of accommodations on airplanes and,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • economy class — e conomy .class n [U] the cheapest type of seats in a plane >economy class adv ▪ We flew economy class …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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