
/i klee'zee as"teez/, n.
a book of the Bible. Abbr.: Eccl., Eccles.
[ < LL < Gk ekklesiastés assemblyman, preacher, equiv. to ekklesí(a) ECCLESIA + -astes, var. of -ISTES -IST after a vowel]

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Hebrew  Qohelet 

      (Preacher), an Old Testament book of wisdom literature that belongs to the third section of the biblical canon, known as the Ketuvim (Writings). In the Hebrew Bible, Ecclesiastes stands between the Song of Solomon and Lamentations and with them belongs to the Megillot, five scrolls that are read at various festivals of the Jewish religious year. The common Christian English translations follow the Septuagint in placing Ecclesiastes between Proverbs and the Song of Solomon, an order reflecting the old tradition that Solomon wrote all three.

      The actual author of Ecclesiastes is unknown, but the superscription (1:1) attributes the book to qohelet (commonly translatedpreacher,” Greek ekklēsiastēs), who is identified asthe son of David, king in Jerusalem.” Though these words can only refer to Solomon (fl. mid-10th century BC), the frequency of Aramaic forms and the book's rationalistic contents date it sometime about the second half of the 3rd century BC.

      The book reflects the ideas of one who questioned the doctrine of retributive justice associated with wisdom theology. His observations on life convinced him thatthe race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all” (9:11). Man's fate, the author maintains, does not depend on righteous or wicked conduct but is an inscrutable mystery that remains hidden in God (9:1). All attempts to penetrate this mystery and thereby gain the wisdom necessary to secure one's fate arevanity,” or futile. In the face of such uncertainty, the author's counsel is to enjoy the good things that God provides while one has them to enjoy.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • ECCLESIASTES — Liber Canonicus S. Scripturae, Hebr. Coheleth: A Salomone in senio scriptus, Hieron. in. c. 1. Eccl. August. in Psalm. 126. et Philastrius, c. 132. etc. In Ecclesiasten exstant: Abini Comm. Basil. An. 1521. Agathius. Alcuinus. Arboreus. Beda.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Ecclesiastes — c.1300, name given to one of the O.T. books, traditionally ascribed to Solomon, from Gk. ekklesiastes (see ECCLESIASTIC (Cf. ecclesiastic)), to render Heb. qoheleth one who addresses an assembly, from qahal assembly. The title is technically the… …   Etymology dictionary

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