earned run average

earned run average
a measure of the effectiveness of a pitcher, obtained by dividing the number of earned runs scored against the pitcher by the number of innings pitched and multiplying the result by nine. A pitcher yielding three earned runs in nine innings has an earned run average of 3.00. Abbr.: ERA, era

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  • Earned run average — (ERA) ist eine Statistik im Baseball, welche angibt, wie viele gegnerische Runs (Punkte) ein Pitcher durchschnittlich in neun Innings zulässt. In die Berechnung gehen aber nicht alle Runs ein, die dieser Pitcher abgegeben hat, sondern nur die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Earned Run Average — (ERA) ist eine Statistik im Baseball, welche angibt, wie viele gegnerische Runs (Punkte) ein Pitcher durchschnittlich in neun Innings zulässt. In die Berechnung gehen aber nicht alle Runs ein, die dieser Pitcher abgegeben hat, sondern nur die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • earned run average — ☆ earned run average n. Baseball the average number of earned runs allowed by a pitcher for each nine innings pitched …   English World dictionary

  • Earned run average — In baseball statistics, earned run average (ERA) is the mean of earned runs given up by a pitcher per nine innings pitched. The ERA tells the average number of runs a pitcher would surrender over the course of a full game had he been kept in for… …   Wikipedia

  • Earned run average — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Era (значения). ERA (Earned run average) статистический показатель в бейсболе. Показывает уровень подачи питчера, то есть сколько ранов он пропускает в среднем за 9 иннингов. Чем ниже ERA, тем… …   Википедия

  • earned run average — earned′ run′ av erage n. spo a figure used to indicate the effectiveness of a baseball pitcher, obtained by calculating the average number of earned runs scored against the pitcher for every nine innings pitched Abbr.: ERA,era • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • earned run average — noun a statistic in baseball which equals the number of earned runs allowed per nine innings pitched. Syn: ERA See Also: earned run, earned runs …   Wiktionary

  • earned run average — noun Date: 1947 the average number of earned runs per game scored against a pitcher in baseball determined by dividing the total of earned runs scored against him by the total number of innings pitched and multiplying by nine …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • earned run average — noun (baseball) a measure of a pitcher s effectiveness; calculated as the average number of earned runs allowed by the pitcher for every nine innings pitched • Syn: ↑ERA • Topics: ↑baseball, ↑baseball game • Hypernyms: ↑standard, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Earned Run Average — statistic that details the average number of runs scored against a pitcher per nine innings, ERA (Baseball) …   English contemporary dictionary

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