
/derr"beuhn/, n.
a seaport in SE Natal, in the E Republic of South Africa. 851,000.

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City (pop., 1996: metro. area, 2,117,650) and chief seaport, South Africa.

Located on Natal Bay of the Indian Ocean, it was the site of a European trading settlement from 1824 and was named Port Natal by the traders. Land was ceded to them by the Zulu king Shaka, and the Old Fort (now a museum) was built. Durban was founded in 1835 on the site of Port Natal. In the 1840s the Boers clashed with the British over control of Durban. One of the world's major commercial ports, it is the headquarters of South Africa's sugar industry and a centre of diverse manufacturing. Tourism is also important, based on the city's proximity to game and nature reserves and to beaches.

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formerly  Port Natal,  

      largest city of KwaZulu/Natal province, South Africa, and chief seaport of South Africa, located on Natal Bay of the Indian Ocean. European settlement began with a band of Cape Colony traders led by Francis G. Farewell, who charted the port in 1824 and named the site Port Natal. Land was ceded to the group by Shaka, the Zulu king (whose right to take that action is disputed), and the Old Fort (now a museum) was built. Durban was founded in 1835 on the site of Port Natal and was named for Sir Benjamin D'Urban, the governor of the Cape Colony. In the late 1830s and early '40s the Boers clashed with the British over control of Durban. It became a borough (town) in 1854 and was created a city in 1935.

      Sprawling along the coast, Durban is overlooked to the south by the Bluff (hills separating the landlocked bay from the sea) and stretches across the Umgeni River to the heights of Durban North. Its civic and business centre is on flat land, rising gently to the slopes of the white residential district of the Berea, a ridge of hills encircling the harbour and beach. Durban's numerous parks include the Botanic Gardens with its orchid house, Jameson Park and its rose gardens, and Snake Park with its collection of poisonous reptiles. It has the University of Durban-Westville (founded 1961), originally for Indian students (although non-Indians were admitted from 1979), and shares with Pietermaritzburg the University of Natal (founded 1910). There are several museums and black and Indian markets.

      Development of Durban's harbour, one of the world's major commercial ports, began in 1855. Serving the Witwatersrand industrial region, it is a major container port and point of entry for bulk raw materials, capital goods, and industrial equipment. Minerals, coal, sugar, and grain are exported, and oil is refined and piped to Johannesburg. After World War I Durban changed from a prim Victorian town to a modern metropolis with skyscrapers and multistoried buildings. It is the headquarters of South Africa's sugar industry and a centre of highly diversified manufacturing activity. Tourism is important and is based on the city's proximity to KwaZulu/Natal's game and nature reserves and on the beaches and their facilities, such as an esplanade and an oceanarium. Durban (with adjacent Pinetown) has a larger Indian population than white; the area contains one of the largest concentrations of Indians in South Africa. Ntuzuma, Umlazi, and Embumbulu districts to the immediate west have been developed as black (mostly Zulu) commuter suburbs. Many blacks were moved from Durban to these areas in the late 1970s. Pop. (1985) city, 634,301; (1991) city, 715,669; Durban-Pinetown-Inanda metropolitan area, 1,137,378.

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Universalium. 2010.

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