- Dumuzi
/dooh"moo zee/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Dumuzi — en sumérien, ou Tammuz en babylonien, est un dieu mésopotamien. Il est le dieu pasteur et dieu de la fertilité dans la religion babylonienne. C est un berger roi uni à Ishtar dans un très ancien rite de mariage sacré[1]. Un récit mythologique l… … Wikipédia en Français
Dumuzi — prop. n. the Sumerian and Babylonian god of pastures and vegetation; consort of Inanna. Syn: Tammuz. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dumuzi — [ zi; »rechter Sohn«], altorientalische Religion: sumerischer Name des Gottes Tammuz … Universal-Lexikon
Dumuzi — Inanna und Dumuzi Dumuzi (sumerisch dDUMU.ZI, akkadisch ma ru us ur) ist ein sumerischer Vegetationsgott, dessen Wesen unter anderem mit dem eines göttlichen Falken gleichgesetzt wurde.[1] Sein Name bedeutet Rechtmäßiger „göttlicher Sohn“ … Deutsch Wikipedia
DUMUZI — 1. Two legendary Sumerian kings called Dumuzi are listed in the Sumerian King List, the first as having ruled antediluvian Bad tibira, the second as king of Uruk, before Gilgamesh. 2. Sumerian god, described as the “shepherd” and… … Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia
Dumuzi — The Sumerian god of shepherds and their flocks and the lover/consort of Inanna (or Ishtar), goddess of love and sexual passion. In the myth and epic poem known as The Descent of Inanna, the goddess chooses Dumuzi (or Tammuz) as a substitute… … Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary
Dumuzi-Amaushumgalana — In Mesopotamian religion, a Sumerian god who represented the power of growth and new life in the date palm. He was the young bridegroom of the fertility goddess Inanna or Ishtar. Their marriage was celebrated annually as a harvest festival. He… … Universalium
Dumuzi-Abzu — In Mesopotamian religion, a Sumerian fertility goddess. The city goddess of Kinirsha in the southeastern marshland region, she represented the power of new life in the marshes. Her counterpart in the central herding region was Tammuz. * * * ▪… … Universalium
Dumuzi — See Tammuz … Who’s Who in non-classical mythology
Dumuzi — noun Sumerian and Babylonian god of pastures and vegetation; consort of Inanna • Syn: ↑Tammuz • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Semitic deity * * * /dooh moo zee/, n. the Sumerian god of pastures and vegetation: the consort of Inanna. Cf. Tammuz … Useful english dictionary