
/dooh ah"lah/, n.

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also spelled  Douala,  

      Bantu-speaking people of the forest region of southern Cameroon (Cameroon, history of) living on the estuary of the Wouri River. By 1800 the Duala controlled Cameroon's trade with Europeans, and their concentrated settlement pattern developed under this influence. Their system of chieftaincy was partly founded on trading wealth. For much of the 19th century there were two politicalcommercial kingdoms, Bell and Akwa; these were weakened by the 1880s.

      The Wouri estuary now supports a fishing and agricultural economy in which oil palms, cassava, cocoyam (taro), plantain, and corn (maize) are the principal crops. The Duala trace descent patrilineally, and associations, or secret societies, serve as instruments of social control. By the 1970s most Duala were nominal Christians. Their older religious system recognized a high god, or creator, but no further pantheon and no true shrines or priests. Other beliefs concerned the power of ancestors, witchcraft, and magical objects.

      Many Duala are now found in various urban occupations. In the late 20th century the chiefly lines remained an elite, but their influence was waning.

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