
/dren"teuh/, n.
a province in E Netherlands. 423,311; 1011 sq. mi. (2620 sq. km).
Also, Drente.

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province, The Netherlands
also spelled  Drente,  

      provincie, northeastern Netherlands. It extends westward from the German border, between the provinces of Groningen and Friesland (north and northwest) and Overijssel (south). Drained by many shallow streams and short canals, it has an area of 1,025 square miles (2,654 square km). Its capital is Assen. More than 50 megalithic funerary monuments (hunebedden,huns' graves”) attest to prehistoric settlement of the area. It was part of the bishopric of Utrecht from 1046 to 1522 but passed to the Holy Roman emperor Charles V in 1536 and was incorporated in the Habsburg dominions. It took part in the Dutch revolt against Spain but was not made a province until 1796.

      The province's soils are mostly sandy with large areas of bogs; alluvium covers the valley floors. Some of the lowland regions are planted in market gardens and orchards. In the 19th century, settlements of paupers and criminals were established to reclaim the heathlands for agricultural use. Much of the heathland has been laid to grass, and reclamation continues. Rye and potatoes remain the chief crops, but dairying and cattle and pig raising have become important. Afforestation, begun privately before 1800 and under provincial control since 1905, has been considerable. Peat has been cut for fuel since medieval times. Beginning in the 17th century, there have been efforts to cut all the peat from a bog area and convert it to agricultural use.

      Drenthe has a long tradition of cottage industries, such as spinning, weaving, and rope making. Agricultural processing is the chief economic activity, including the production of potato flour and strawboard. There are diversified industries at Meppel (the port of Drenthe), Hoogeveen, Assen, and Emmen. The oil industry near Schoonebeek has been developed since World War II. Pop. (1988 est.) 436,586.

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