
/dray"nij/, n.
1. the act or process of draining.
2. a system of drains, artificial or natural.
4. something that is drained off.
5. Surg. the drainage of fluids, as bile, urine, etc., from the body, or of pus and other diseased products from a wound.
[1645-55; DRAIN + -AGE]

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      in agriculture, the artificial removal of water from land; drainage is employed in the reclamation of wetlands, in the prevention of erosion, and as a concomitant of irrigation in the agriculture of arid regions.

      A brief treatment of drainage follows. For full treatment, see irrigation and drainage.

      Drainage is an ancient practice, but apparently until recent times it was regarded as less important than irrigation. The first drains were most likely ditches for channelling floodwaters back to the rivers. The addition of linings of less porous materials greatly improved drainage efficiency. The most significant 20th-century development in drainage technology was the application of land-grading techniques to facilitate uniform runoff.

      Land may be smoothed with proper slopes and ditches so as to remove excess water before it enters the soil and thus prevent erosion, leaching of nutrients, and standing pools of water on the surface, and to permit early spring planting. If carefully planned, this smoothing also can prepare the land for surface irrigation, thus serving two purposes by one earth-moving operation. After excess water enters the soil, its removal is an expensive and specialized undertaking that is not directly connected with irrigation, although it sometimes may be necessary for irrigated land. Modern drainage systems may be divided into two categories, surface and subsurface. The typical surface system consists of field drains, field ditches, a main collection ditch, and an outlet. As the term implies, a surface system is designed to remove water that collects on top of the soil. Surface drainage is especially important for soils that absorb water slowly. The field drains vary in configuration according to topography, parallel drains being indicated for uniform surfaces and site-specific ones for areas of uneven accumulation.

      Subsurface drainage systems consist of small conduits, a submain, a main, and an outlet. The conduits, equivalent to the field drains in a surface system, collect the water in the soil and drain it into the larger arteries.

      Factors determining the most efficient drainage system design for a particular property include soil type, land configuration, amount and pattern of rainfall, and types of crops to be grown. Soils of high sand or silt content are generally suited to subsurface drainage, while soils of high clay content generally require surface systems.

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