
Dodonaean, Dodonean, Dodonian /dohd'n ee"euhn, deuh doh"nee euhn/, adj.
/deuh doh"neuh/, n.
an ancient town in NW Greece, in Epirus: the site of a famous oracle of Zeus.

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Sanctuary of the Greek god Zeus, located at Epirus.

Mentioned by Homer, it was the site of an oracle, where messages came through the rustling of leaves or other natural sounds. There was also a large bronze gong that vibrated in the breeze.

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ancient site, Greece
      ancient sanctuary of the chief Greek god, Zeus, in Epirus, Greece; the ceremonies held there had many remarkable and abnormal features. The earliest mention of Dodona is in the Iliad (Book XVI, line 234), where its priests are called the Selloi (or Helloi) and are described asof unwashen feet, sleeping on the ground.” The description suggests worshipers or servants of an earth goddess or of some chthonian power with whom they kept in continual contact, day and night. Homer (Odyssey, Book XIV, line 327) was also the first to mention the oracle at Dodona. A tree (or trees) was reputed to give oracles, presumably through the rustling of leaves and other sounds. Herodotus, but no earlier writer, mentions priestesses, whom he describes as the givers of the oracles, doubtless under some kind of inspiration from the god. A further peculiarity of Dodona was thebronze,” a large gong set vibrating at every breeze by a scourge held in the hand of a figure standing over it; the persistent ringing passed into a Greek proverbial phraseKhalkos Dodones (“Brass of Dodona”)—for a continuous talker who has nothing to say.

      Dodona had a famous oracle, but being somewhat inaccessible, the site came to be eclipsed by Delphi.

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