
dodoism, n.
/doh"doh/, n., pl. dodos, dodoes.
1. any of several clumsy, flightless, extinct birds of the genera Raphus and Pezophaps, related to pigeons but about the size of a turkey, formerly inhabiting the islands of Mauritius, Réunion, and Rodriguez.
2. Slang. a dull-witted, slow-reacting person.
3. a person with old-fashioned, conservative, or outmoded ideas.
4. a thing that is outmoded or obsolete.
[1620-30; < Pg doudo, fool, madman (of uncert. orig.); the bird appar. so called from its clumsy appearance]

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Extinct flightless bird (Raphus cucullatus) of Mauritius, first seen by Portuguese sailors about 1507.

Humans and the animals they introduced had exterminated the dodo by 1681. It weighed about 50 lbs (23 kg) and had blue-gray plumage, a big head, a 9-in. (23-cm) blackish bill with a reddish hooked tip, small useless wings, stout yellow legs, and a tuft of curly feathers high on its rear end. The Réunion solitaire (R. solitarius), also driven to extinction, may have been a white version of the dodo. Partial museum specimens and skeletons are all that remain of the dodo.

Restoration of a dodo (Raphus cucullatus)

By courtesy of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University

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 extinct flightless bird of Mauritius (an island of the Indian Ocean), one of the three species that constituted the family Raphidae, usually placed with pigeons in the order Columbiformes but sometimes separated as an order (Raphiformes). The other two species, also found on islands of the Indian Ocean, were the solitaires (solitaire) (R. solitarius of Réunion and Pezophaps solitaria of Rodrigues (Rodrigues Island)). The birds were first seen by Portuguese sailors about 1507 and were exterminated by man and his introduced animals. The dodo was extinct by 1681, the Réunion solitaire by 1746, and the Rodrigues solitaire by about 1790.

      The dodo, bigger than a turkey, weighed about 23 kg (about 50 pounds). It had blue-gray plumage, a big head, a 23-centimetre (9-inch) blackish bill with reddish sheath forming the hooked tip, small useless wings, stout yellow legs, and a tuft of curly feathers high on its rear end. The Réunion solitaire may have been a white version of the dodo. The brownish Rodrigues solitaire was taller and more slender, with smaller head, short bill lacking the heavy hook, and wings with knobs. All that remains of the dodo is a head and foot at Oxford, a foot in the British Museum, a head in Copenhagen, and skeletons, more or less complete, in various museums of Europe, the United States, and Mauritius. Many bones of solitaires have also been preserved.

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