
documentable /dok"yeuh men'teuh beuhl, dok'yeuh men"-/, adj.documenter, n.
n. /dok"yeuh meuhnt/; v. /dok"yeuh ment'/, n.
1. a written or printed paper furnishing information or evidence, as a passport, deed, bill of sale, or bill of lading; a legal or official paper.
2. any written item, as a book, article, or letter, esp. of a factual or informative nature.
3. a computer data file.
4. Archaic. evidence; proof.
5. to furnish with documents.
6. to furnish with references, citations, etc., in support of statements made: a carefully documented biography.
7. to support by documentary evidence: to document a case.
8. Naut. to provide (a vessel) with a certificate giving particulars concerning nationality, ownership, tonnage, dimensions, etc.
9. Obs. to instruct.
[1400-50; late ME ( < AF) < L documentum example (as precedent, warning, etc.), equiv. to doc- (s. of docere to teach) + -u- (var. of -i- -I- before labials) + -mentum -MENT]
Syn. 6. corroborate, verify, substantiate, validate.

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