Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy
1. Also called doctorate. the highest degree awarded by a graduate school, usually to a person who has completed at least three years of graduate study and a dissertation approved by a board of professors.
2. a person who has been awarded this degree. Abbr.: Ph.D.

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  • Doctor of Philosophy — n. the highest doctorate awarded by a university for original research in any discipline …   English World dictionary

  • Doctor of Philosophy — Ph.D. redirects here. For other uses, see Ph.D. (disambiguation). Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD, Ph.D., DPhil or D.Phil. (for the Latin philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae), in English speaking countries, is a postgraduate… …   Wikipedia

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  • Doctor of Philosophy — Doc′tor of Philos′ophy n. 1) edu a doctor s degree awarded for advanced studies in the humanities or the social, behavioral, or pure sciences 2) edu a person who has been awarded this degree Abbr.: Ph.D …   From formal English to slang

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