Doberman pinscher

Doberman pinscher
one of a German breed of medium-sized, short-haired dogs having a black, brown, or blue coat with rusty brown markings.
[1915-20; named after Ludwig Dobermann, 19th-century German, original breeder; pinscher terrier, a pseudo-G coinage, perh. based on G Pinzgau Austrian district noted for its breeding farms]

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Breed of working dog developed in Apolda, Germany, by Louis Dobermann, a dog-pound keeper, in the late 19th century.

This sleek, agile, powerful dog stands 2428 in. (6171 cm) high and weighs 6088 lbs (2740 kg). It has a short, smooth black, blue, fawn, or red coat, with rust markings on the head, throat, chest, tail base, and feet. Dobermans have a reputation for fearlessness, alertness, loyalty, and intelligence. They have been used in police and military work, as watchdogs, and as guide dogs for the blind.

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breed of dog
 breed of working dog developed in Apolda, Ger., by Louis Dobermann, a night watchman and keeper of a dog pound, in the late 1800s. The Doberman pinscher is a sleek, agile, and powerful dog standing 24 to 28 inches (61 to 71 cm) and weighing 60 to 88 pounds (27 to 40 kg). It has a short, smooth coat, black, blue, fawn, or red in colour, with rust markings on the head, throat, chest, base of the tail, and feet. The breed has a reputation for fearlessness, alertness, loyalty, and intelligence. It has been used in police and military work, as a watchdog, and as a guide dog for the blind.

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  • doberman pinscher — Raza de perro de trabajo desarrollada en Apolda, Alemania, por Louis Dobermann, un guardián de la perrera municipal, a fines del s. XIX. Este perro elegante, ágil y vigoroso tiene una alzada de 61–71 cm (24–28 pulg.) y pesa 27–40 kg (60–88 lb).… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Doberman pinscher — noun medium large breed of dog of German origin with a glossy black and tan coat; used as a watchdog • Syn: ↑Doberman • Hypernyms: ↑pinscher * * * |dōbə(r)mənˈpinchə(r), rapid R sometimes b(ə)m noun also …   Useful english dictionary

  • Doberman pinscher — noun Etymology: German Dobermann pinscher, from Friedrich Ludwig Dobermann died 1894 German dog breeder + German Pinscher, a breed of hunting dog Date: 1917 any of a breed of short haired medium sized dogs of German origin called also Doberman …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • Doberman pinscher — Do•ber•man pin•scher [[t]ˈdoʊ bər mən ˈpɪn ʃər[/t]] n. dch one of a German breed of large, slender, muscular dogs having a short, usu. black or brown coat with rust markings. Also calledDo′ber•man • Etymology: 1915–20; after Ludwig Dobermann,… …   From formal English to slang

  • Doberman pinscher — /doʊbəmən ˈpɪntʃə/ (say dohbuhmuhn pinchuh) noun one of a breed of large smooth coated terriers, usually black and tan or brown, with long forelegs, and wide hindquarters. Also, Doberman …  

  • Doberman Pinscher — noun /ˌdobɚmənˈpʰɪnʃɚ/ A large, domestic breed of dog originally bred as a watchdog, kept mainly as pets in modern times …   Wiktionary

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