displacement current

displacement current
the rate of change, at any point in space, of electric displacement with time.

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      in electromagnetism, a phenomenon analogous to an ordinary electric current, posited to explain magnetic fields that are produced by changing electric fields. Ordinary electric currents, called conduction currents, whether steady or varying, produce an accompanying magnetic field in the vicinity of the current. The British physicist James Clerk Maxwell (Maxwell, James Clerk) in the 19th century predicted that a magnetic field also must be associated with a changing electric field even in the absence of a conduction current, a theory that was subsequently verified experimentally. As magnetic fields had long been associated with currents, the predicted magnetic field also was thought of as stemming from another kind of current. Maxwell gave it the name displacement current, which was proportional to the rate of change of the electric field that kept cropping up naturally in his theoretical formulations.

      As electric charges do not flow through the insulation from one plate of a capacitor to the other, there is no conduction current; instead, a displacement current is said to be present to account for the continuity of the magnetic effects. In fact, the calculated size of the displacement current between the plates of a capacitor being charged and discharged in an alternating-current circuit is equal to the size of the conduction current in the wires leading to and from the capacitor. Displacement currents play a central role in the propagation of electromagnetic radiation, such as light and radio waves, through empty space. A traveling, varying magnetic field is everywhere associated with a periodically changing electric field that may be conceived in terms of a displacement current. Maxwell's insight on displacement current, therefore, made it possible to understand electromagnetic waves as being propagated through space completely detached from electric currents in conductors.

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