
dioritic /duy'euh rit"ik/, adj.
/duy"euh ruyt'/, n.
a granular igneous rock consisting essentially of plagioclase feldspar and hornblende.
[1820-30; < F < Gk dior(ízein) to distinguish (see DI-3, HORIZON) + F -ite -ITE1]

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Medium-to coarse-grained igneous rock that commonly is composed of about two-thirds plagioclase feldspar and one-third dark-coloured minerals, such as hornblende or biotite.

Diorite has about the same structural properties as granite but, perhaps because of its darker colour and more limited supply, is rarely used as an ornamental building material. It is one of the dark gray stones that is sold commercially as "black granite."

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      medium- to coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock that commonly is composed of about two-thirds plagioclase feldspar and one-third dark-coloured minerals, such as hornblende or biotite. The presence of sodium-rich feldspar, oligoclase or andesine, in contrast to calcium-rich plagioclase, labradorite or bytownite, is the main distinction between diorite and gabbro. The extrusive (volcanic) equivalent of diorite is andesite.

      Diorite has about the same structural properties as granite but, perhaps because of its darker colour and more limited supply, is rarely used as an ornamental and building material. It is one of the dark gray stones that is sold commercially as black granite.

      Many diorites are truly igneous, having crystallized from molten material (magma). Diorite occurs in small bodies such as sills (tabular bodies inserted while molten between other rocks), dikes (tabular bodies injected in fissures), stocks (bodies intruded upward), or as more irregular masses associated with gabbro and batholiths (huge bodies) of granodiorite and granite.

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