Dinaric Alps — Dinarides Range … Wikipedia
Dinaric Alps — [di nar′ik] range of the E Alps, along the Adriatic coast of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, & N Albania: highest peak, c. 8,800 ft (2,682 m) … English World dictionary
DINARIC ALPS — a range of the Eastern Alps in Austria, runs SE. and parallel with the Adriatic, connecting the Julian Alps with the Balkans … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Dinaric Alps — Di•nar′ic Alps′ [[t]dɪˈnær ɪk[/t]] n. pl. geg a range of the Alps paralleling the E Adriatic coast from Slovenia to N Albania: extends across W Croatia, and most of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, Yugoslavia. Highest peak, 8714 ft. (2656… … From formal English to slang
Dinaric Alps — geographical name range of E Alps W Slovenia, W Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, & Montenegro; highest point 8274 feet (2522 meters) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dinaric Alps — /dəˌnærɪk ˈælps/ (say duh.narik alps) plural noun a mountain range on the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina; a part of the eastern Alpine system. Highest peak, Troglav, 1913 m …
Dinaric Alps — a range of the Alps paralleling the E Adriatic coast from Slovenia to N Albania: extends across W Croatia, and most of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, Yugoslavia. Highest peak, 8714 ft. (2656 m) … Useful english dictionary
Alps — /alps/, n. (used with a pl. v.) a mountain range in S Europe, extending from France through Switzerland and Italy into Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. Highest peak, Mont Blanc, 15,781 ft. (4810 m). * * * I Mountain system, south central Europe.… … Universalium
Dinaric calcareous block fir forest — Pure silver fir forests are endemic to the Dinaric alps and especially to Orjen … Wikipedia
Dinaric race — Meyers Blitz Lexikon (Leipzig, 1932) shows a Tyrolian woman as an example of the Dinaric type. The Dinaric race (or Adriatic race or Epirotic race) is one of the sub categories of the Europid (White; Caucasian) race into which it was divided by… … Wikipedia