
/dee zhawonn"/, n.
a city in and the capital of Côte d'Or, in E central France. 156,787.

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City (pop., 1999: 149,867), east-central France.

The site has been occupied from pre-Roman times. It became the capital of the duchy of Burgundy in 1015 and prospered under the Valois dynasty (13641477). Louis XI annexed the city in the late 15th century. A market and tourist centre, it is surrounded by eight forts; historic buildings include a 13th-century church and 14th-century town hall (the former palace of the dukes of Burgundy). Its university was founded in 1722. It has foundries and automobile plants but is best known for its food products (e.g., mustard, vinegar, and gingerbread).

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      city, capital of Côte d'Or département and of Burgundy (Bourgogne) région, east-central France. The city is 203 miles (326 km) southeast of Paris by road and lies at the confluence of the Ouche and Suzon rivers. Situated at the foot of the Côte d'Or hills to its west and near a plain of fertile vineyards, the city has many outstanding old buildings, some dating back to the 15th century. It has always been a regional transportation hub and was known in the 9th century as Castrum Divionense. In 1015 Robert I, Duke of Burgundy, chose it as the capital for his newly founded duchy, but only with the second ducal dynastythat of Valois (13641477)—did the city flourish. Musicians, artists, and architects were attracted there by the patronage of the ducal court. The city retained its importance as a provincial capital after the duchy of Burgundy had been annexed by Louis XI of France in 1477, and the Burgundy Parliament sat there regularly. The city has been a diocese since 1731. Dijon was most prosperous in the 18th century, when it was also an intellectual centre of France. The city declined after the French Revolution, when its provincial institutions were suppressed, but the coming of the railways in 1851 brought it new wealth and population growth.

      Dijon is still a major communications centre, a role reinforced by the development of the French motorway network, which has greatly improved accessibility. The majority of employment is in service activities, reflecting the city's importance as an administrative, commercial, and tourist centre. Dijon's rich architectural heritage, its museums, its staging of festivals and events, and its facilities for conferences and exhibitions all explain the growth of tourism. The city has a university (founded in 1722). Industry provides an important if diminishing source of employment. Originally favoured by decentralization during the 1960s, the city now features a diversified industrial structure; industries include food products, pharmaceuticals, electronics and electrical equipment, vehicle components, plastics, and optical instruments. Celebrated Dijon food products are mustard, vinegar, and gingerbread; chocolate and liqueurs are also made.

      The buildings of the palace of the dukes of Burgundy are located in the centre of the old city. The original medieval palace was largely rebuilt and extended in the 17th and 18th centuries. Only two towersthe guardroom and the kitchenssurvive from the original 14th- and 15th-century building. The palace is now the hôtel de ville (town hall) and contains the Musée des Beaux Arts. The magnificent tombs of Philip the Bold (13421404) and John the Fearless (13711419), dukes of Burgundy, are found there. A psychiatric hospital now stands on the site of the Chartreuse de Champmol, a Carthusian monastery founded by Philip the Bold in 1383, but the doorway of the chapel and other fine vestiges survive from the original building. In the west of the old city stands the Cathedral of Saint-Bénigne, an example of pure Burgundian Gothic built in the early 14th century. The Church of Saint-Philibert, close by, now deconsecrated, has a 12th-century nave. The Gothic Church of Notre-Dame (early 13th century) has an original facade with magnificent carvings around its triple doorway. The later Renaissance facade (1661) of the Church of Saint-Michel (1529) also has a fine sculptured doorway. Pop. (1999) city, 149,867; urban area, 326,631; (2004 est.) city, 151,200.

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