
dialoguer, n.
/duy"euh lawg', -log'/, n., v. dialogued, dialoguing.
1. conversation between two or more persons.
2. the conversation between characters in a novel, drama, etc.
3. an exchange of ideas or opinions on a particular issue, esp. a political or religious issue, with a view to reaching an amicable agreement or settlement.
4. a literary work in the form of a conversation: a dialogue of Plato.
5. to carry on a dialogue; converse.
6. to discuss areas of disagreement frankly in order to resolve them.
7. to put into the form of a dialogue.
Also, dialog.
[1175-1225; ME < OF dïalogue, L dialogus < Gk diálogos. See DIA-, -LOGUE]

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      in its widest sense, the recorded conversation of two or more persons, especially as an element of drama or fiction. As a literary form, it is a carefully organized exposition, by means of invented conversation, of contrasting philosophical or intellectual attitudes. The oldest known dialogues are the Sicilian mimes, written in rhythmic prose by Sophron Of Syracuse in the early 5th century BC. Although none of these has survived, Plato knew and admired them. But the form of philosophic dialogue that he perfected by 400 BC was sufficiently original to be an independent literary creation. With due attention to characterization and the dramatic situation from which the discussion arises, it develops dialectically the main tenets of Platonic philosophy. To Lucian in the 2nd century AD the dialogue owes a new tone and function. His influential Dialogues of the Dead, with their coolly satirical tone, inspired innumerable imitations in England and France during the 17th and 18th centuries, e.g., dialogues by the French writers Bernard de Fontenelle (1683) and François Fénelon (170012).

      The revival of interest in Plato during the Renaissance encouraged numerous imitations and adaptations of the Platonic dialogue. In Spain, Juan de Valdés used it to discuss problems of patriotism and humanism (written 1533), and Vincenzo Carducci, theories of painting (1633). In Italy, dialogues on the Platonic model were written by Torquato Tasso (1580), Giordano Bruno (1584), and Galileo (1632). The Renaissance also adapted the dialogue form to uses unsuspected by either Plato or Lucian, such as the teaching of languages.

      In the 16th and 17th centuries, dialogue lent itself easily and frequently to the presentation of controversial religious, political, and economic ideas. George Berkeley's Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous (1713) are perhaps the best of the English imitations of Plato. The best-known 19th-century examples of the form are Walter Savage Landor's Imaginary Conversations (vols. 1 and 2, 1824; vol. 3, 1828; thereafter sporadically to 1853), sensitive re-creations of such historical personages as Dante and Beatrice. André Gide's Interviews imaginaires (1943), which explore the psychology of the supposed participants, and George Santayana's Dialogues in Limbo (1925) illustrate the survival of this ancient form in the 20th century.

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