
/day/, n.
1. the title of the governor of Algiers before the French conquest in 1830.
2. a title sometimes used by the former rulers of Tunis and Tripoli.
[1650-60; < F < Turk dayi orig., maternal uncle]

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Ottoman leader
      in the Ottoman provinces of Algiers and Tunis, an honorary title conferred upon exceptionally able corsair leaders; also, a lower rank of officer in the Janissaries. In late 16th-century Tunis, a dey commanded the army and eventually was in sole control of the state, but by 1705 the title had disappeared from official lists. The head of the Algerian regency, elected by fellow Janissary officers (from 1689), was titled dey, and, though his family life was restricted to prevent succession claims and he was confined to Algiers, he had virtually absolute power; 30 such deys ruled Algiers in succession between 1671 and 1830.

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