Dewey decimal classification

Dewey decimal classification
a system of classifying books and other works into ten main classes of knowledge with further subdivision in these classes by use of the numbers of a decimal system: devised by Melvil Dewey, published in 1876, and used in many libraries in the U.S. and elsewhere.

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or Dewey Decimal System

System for organizing the contents of a library based on the division of all knowledge into 10 groups.

Each group is assigned 100 numbers. Subdivisions eventually extend into decimal numbers; for example, the history of England is placed at 942, the history of the Stuart period at 942.06, and the history of the English Commonwealth at 942.063. The system was first formulated in 1873 by Melvil Dewey. Many libraries add a book number created from the Cutter, or Cutter-Sanborn, Tables, which further specify author and genre. The Library of Congress Classification has largely replaced the Dewey system.

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also called  Dewey Decimal System 

      system for organizing the contents of a library based on the division of all knowledge into 10 groups, with each group assigned 100 numbers. The 10 main groups are: 000099, general works; 100199, philosophy and psychology; 200299, religion; 300399, social sciences; 400499, language; 500599, natural sciences and mathematics; 600699, technology; 700799, the arts; 800899, literature and rhetoric; and 900999, history, biography, and geography. These 10 main groups are in turn subdivided again and again to provide more specific subject groups. Within each main group the principal subseries are divided by 10; e.g., the history of Europe is placed in the 940s. Further subdivisions eventually extend into decimal numbers; e.g., the history of England is placed under 942, the history of the Stuart period at 942.06, and the history of the English Commonwealth at 942.063.

      Based on W.T. Harris' classification for the St. Louis Public Library, the Dewey system was first formulated by the American librarian Melvil Dewey in 1873 for application in the Amherst College Library. It was first published in 1876, and the 20th edition of the system had been published by the late 20th century.

      The Dewey system's numerical classification provides a shorthand identification and location tool. The notation lends itself to memory through the constant repetition of a standard pattern (area arrangement, different numbers for particular languages), through parallel subject developments (each book of the Bible given the same development as the Bible as a whole), and through patterned repetition of standard subdivisions (theory, study and teaching, history, geography, etc.). To distinguish works within a group and to expedite retrieval, many libraries add a book number created from the Cutter, or Cutter-Sanborn, Tables, which provide further specifications for author and genre.

      Because an abridged as well as a full schedule (or classificatory guide) of the system has been developed, the Dewey Decimal Classification is adaptable to libraries of various sizes. The Index to the Dewey Decimal systems, a relative one (i.e., one having cross-references), arranges all topics expressed or implied, with every synonym in alphabetical order.

      The names Dewey Decimal Classification and Dewey (when referring to the former) are trademarks of the OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

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Universalium. 2010.

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