
deviceful, adj.devicefully, adv.devicefulness, n.
/di vuys"/, n.
1. a thing made for a particular purpose; an invention or contrivance, esp. a mechanical or electrical one.
2. a plan or scheme for effecting a purpose.
3. a crafty scheme; trick.
4. a particular word pattern, figure of speech, combination of word sounds, etc., used in a literary work to evoke a desired effect or arouse a desired reaction in the reader: rhetorical devices.
5. something elaborately or fancifully designed.
6. a representation or design used as a heraldic charge or as an emblem, badge, trademark, or the like.
7. a motto.
8. Archaic. devising; invention.
[1375-1425; b. late ME devis division, discourse and devise heraldic device, will; both < AF, OF < L divisa, fem. of divisus; see DIVISION]
Syn. 1. gadget. 2. project, design. 3. wile, ruse, artifice, stratagem, maneuver. 7. slogan, legend.

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(as used in expressions)
charge coupled device
solid state device

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Universalium. 2010.

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