
desmidian, adj.
/dez"mid/, n.
any single-celled freshwater algae of the family Desmidiaceae, characterized by a division of the body into mirror-image halves joined by a bridge containing the nucleus, and having a spiny or bristly exterior: sometimes forming into colonies or branching filaments.
[1860-65; < NL Desmidium a genus of the family < Gk desm(ós) a band, chain (cf. deîn to fasten) + NL -idium -IDIUM]

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Any of a group of one-celled, microscopic green algae characterized by great variation in cell shape.

Typically the cell is divided symmetrically into semicells connected at a central point. Desmids are found worldwide, usually in acid bogs or lakes. Since most species have a limited range, the presence of specific desmids is helpful in characterizing water samples.

Desmid (Micrasterias), highly magnified

Winton Patnode
Photo Researchers

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      any of the beautiful, single-celled (sometimes filamentous or colonial), microscopic green algae of the order Zygnematales, class Charophyceae, characterized by extensive variation in cell shape. Typically the cell is divided symmetrically into semicells connected at a central isthmus. The three-layered cell wall is impregnated with openings or pores and pectin spicules; irregular desmid movement is caused by the flow of a gelatinous substance through these pores. Conjugation (temporary union for the exchange of nuclear material) is the usual method of sexual generation. In some species a conjugation tube is formed. In others the two conjugant protoplasts unite in a gelatinous sheath that surrounds the cells. Usually cell division occurs in the region of the isthmus, each half develops another semicell, and in due course two complete desmids are formed. Spores are rare. The distribution of desmids is worldwide, usually in acid bogs or lakes. Since most species have a limited ecological range, the presence of specific desmids is helpful in characterizing water samples. One of the more common desmid genera, the sickle-shaped Closterium, often contains gypsum crystals in cell vacuoles.

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Universalium. 2010.

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