
/de"brdde tsen'/, n.
a city in E Hungary. 187,103.

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City (pop., 2001: 211,034), eastern Hungary.

An important city in eastern Hungary, it has long been a market centre and a religious, political, and cultural arena. Chartered in the 14th century, it became prominent during and after the Turkish occupation. Hungary's short-lived independence from the Habsburgs was proclaimed there in 1849; the city later reverted to Austrian control. During World War II it was briefly the seat of the interim Hungarian government. The Great Reformed Church and Lajos Kossuth University (1912) are located there.

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      city of county status and seat of Hajdú-Bihar megye (county). One of the most important cities in eastern Hungary, Debrecen is situated on the southwestern extremity of the sandy plain of the Nyírség region and on the eastern end of the Hortobágy puszta (steppe). It has a long history as a market centre and as a religious, political, and cultural arena. Chartered in the 14th century, it became prominent during and after the Turkish period of occupation.

      The Debrecen fairs, noted for horses and livestock, were a famous feature of the Middle Ages, and the city became one of the richest and most influential Hungarian cities. It was long known asthe Calvinist Romebecause of its importance to the reformed creeds in east-central Europe. It houses Hungary's oldest extant printing press, which has been operating since 1561. The independence of Hungary from the Habsburgs (Habsburg, House of) was proclaimed in the city by Lajos Kossuth (Kossuth, Lajos), leader of the revolutionary government, in 1849; that revolt was subsequently quelled and the city itself captured by interventionist Russian troops. During World War II, as German troops retreated westward before the Soviet armies in 194445, Debrecen became briefly the seat of the interim Hungarian government.

      The city moats were filled in the 19th century, and the curving side streets on the old town perimeter recall the fortification lines. On the former marketplace, now Kossuth Square, stands the impressive Református Nagytemplom (Great Reformed Church). This parklike square is dominated by Kossuth's statue. To the north of the church is Reformed College, a bastion of Calvinist (Calvinism) scholarship since the late 16th century. Founded in the 16th century and known as Lajos Kossuth University for most of the 20th century, Debrecen University includes a medical school, a school of agriculture, and a teacher's college. In the city there is also the Déri Múzeum, the Mihály Csokonai Theatre, and some interesting old residences, in addition to several churches and a large bathing establishment. Debrecen is transformed by a flower festival held annually in August.

      The railway station was rebuilt in 1962. The city's airport and the many roads and railroads converging on Debrecen have supported trade and industrial development in pharmaceuticals, furniture, and ball-bearing manufacture. Local craftsmanship continues in pottery, bootmaking, and handmade coats (szűrs). Pop. (2001) 211,034.

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Universalium. 2010.

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