dead reckoning

dead reckoning
1. calculation of one's position on the basis of distance run on various headings since the last precisely observed position, with as accurate allowance as possible being made for wind, currents, compass errors, etc.
2. one's position as so calculated.

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      determination without the aid of celestial navigation of the position of a ship or aircraft from the record of the courses sailed or flown, the distance made (which can be estimated from velocity), the known starting point, and the known or estimated drift.

      Some marine navigators differentiate between the dead-reckoning position, for which they use the course steered and their estimated speed through the water, and the estimated position, which is the dead-reckoning position corrected for effects of current, wind, and other factors. Because the uncertainty of dead reckoning increases over time and maybe over distance, celestial observations are taken intermittently to determine a more reliable position (called a fix), from which a new dead reckoning is begun. Dead reckoning is also embedded in Kalman filtering techniques, which mathematically combine a sequence of navigation solutions to obtain the best estimate of the navigator's current position, velocity, attitude angles, and so forth.

      A number of devices used for the determination of dead reckoningsuch as a plotter (a protractor attached to a straightedge) and computing charts, now chiefly used by operators of smaller vehicleshave been replaced in most larger aircraft and military vessels by one or more dead-reckoning computers, which input direction and speed (wind velocity can be manually inserted). Some of these computers include an inertial guidance system or have a unit that measures Doppler effects (Doppler effect), and some can be programmed to pick up signals from electronic or optical sensing units. The use of more than one such device tends to increase reliability.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • dead reckoning — Reckoning Reck on*ing, n. 1. The act of one who reckons, counts, or computes; the result of reckoning or counting; calculation. Specifically: (a) An account of time. Sandys. (b) Adjustment of claims and accounts; settlement of obligations,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • dead reckoning — might be from nautical abbreviation ded. ( deduced ) in log books, but it also fits DEAD (Cf. dead) (adj.) in the sense of unrelieved, absolute …   Etymology dictionary

  • Dead reckoning — significa en castellano algo así como “cálculo a ojo”. Es una expresión derivada del término naútico deduced reckoning (cálculo basado en inferencia), y era un procedimiento matemático simple para inferir la ubicación actual de un navío haciendo… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • dead reckoning — n [U] calculating the position of a ship or aircraft without using the sun, moon, or stars …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dead reckoning — ► NOUN ▪ the calculation of one s position, especially at sea, by estimating the direction and distance travelled …   English terms dictionary

  • dead reckoning — n. the finding of a ship s position by an estimate based on data recorded in the log, as speed and the time spent on a certain course, rather than by more precise means, as astronomical observations or Loran …   English World dictionary

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