Darius III

Darius III
died 330 B.C., king of Persia 336-330.

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king of Persia
also called  Codommanus 
died 330 BC, Bactria

      the last king (reigned 336330 BC) of the Achaemenid dynasty.

      Darius belonged to a collateral branch of the royal family and was placed on the throne by the eunuch Bagoas, who had poisoned the two previous kings, Artaxerxes III and Arses. When Darius asserted his independence, Bagoas also attempted his murder but was forced by the king to drink the poison himself.

      In 337 Philip II of Macedon had formed the League of Corinth (Corinth, League of) for the purpose of liberating the Greek cities under Achaemenid rule and, early in 336, had sent an advance force into Asia Minor. In July, however, he was assassinated, perhaps at the instigation of Darius. In the spring of 334 Philip's son Alexander the Great crossed the Hellespont. Because Darius had made no serious preparations to resist the invasion, Alexander defeated an Achaemenid army at the Granicus and, by the following year, had won most of Asia Minor and reached Cilicia. Darius finally advanced against him but was defeated at Issus (Issus, Battle of) in the autumn of 333. Darius fled from the field, abandoning his mother, wife, and children.

      Darius twice sent Alexander a letter of friendship, the second time offering a large ransom for his family, cession of all the Achaemenid Empire west of the Euphrates River, and the hand of his daughter in return for an alliance. Alexander rejected both letters and marched into Mesopotamia. Darius made no attempt to resist his crossing of the Euphrates and Tigris but offered battle at Gaugamela (Gaugamela, Battle of), east of modern Mosul. On Oct. 1, 331, he was decisively defeated, and, as at Issus, he turned his chariot and fled, although his subordinates fought on. He escaped to Ecbatana, and then, on the approach of Alexander, he retired toward Bactria but was deposed and killed by the Bactrian satrap Bessus.

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