- dame
/daym/, n.a. the official title of a female member of the Order of the British Empire, equivalent to that of a knight.b. the official title of the wife of a knight or baronet.3. a matronly woman of advanced age; matron.4. Slang (sometimes offensive). a woman; female.5. Eccles. a title of a nun in certain orders.6. a mistress of a dame-school.7. Archaic. the mistress of a household.8. Archaic. a woman of rank or authority, esp. a female ruler.[1175-1225; ME < OF < L domina, fem. of dominus lord, master]
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(as used in expressions)Anderson Dame JudithAndrews Dame JulieAshcroft Dame PeggyCartland Dame Mary Barbara HamiltonChristie Dame Agatha Mary ClarissaCompton Burnett Dame IvyCooper Dame Gladysde Valois Dame NinetteDench Dame Judith Oliviadu Maurier Dame DaphneEvans Dame Edith MaryFields Dame GracieFonteyn Dame MargotGenée Dame AdelineHepworth Dame Jocelyn BarbaraLonsdale Dame KathleenMarkova Dame AliciaMarsh Dame Edith NgaioMelba Dame NellieMurdoch Dame Jean IrisNotre Dame University ofNotre Dame de ParisNotre Dame schoolRambert Dame MarieSchwarzkopf Dame Olga Maria Elisabeth FrederickeSmith Dame MaggieSmyth Dame Ethel MarySutherland Dame JoanTaylor Dame Elizabeth RosemondTe Kanawa Dame Kiri JanetteTempest Dame MarieThorndike Dame Agnes SybilWest Dame RebeccaJeanne Françoise Julie Adélaïde dame de Récamier* * *
Universalium. 2010.