
Daedalian, Daedalean /di day"lee euhn, -dayl"yeuhn/, Daedalic /di dal"ik/, adj.
/ded"l euhs/ or, esp. Brit., /deed"l euhs/, n. Class. Myth.
an Athenian architect who built the labyrinth for Minos and made wings for himself and his son Icarus to escape from Crete.
[ < L < Gk Daídalos; see DAEDAL]

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In Greek mythology, a brilliant architect, sculptor, and inventor.

He was credited with building for King Minos of Crete the Labyrinth in which the Minotaur was kept. When the king turned against Daedalus and imprisoned him, Daedalus secretly made wings for himself and his son Icarus, intending to escape to Sicily. Despite his father's warnings, Icarus flew too close to the sun; the wax holding the feathers to his wings melted, and he fell into the sea and drowned.

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GreekSkillfully Wrought
 mythical Greek architect and sculptor, who was said to have built, among other things, the paradigmatic Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete. Daedalus fell out of favour with Minos and was imprisoned; he fashioned wings of wax and feathers for himself and for his son Icarus and escaped to Sicily. Icarus, however, flew too near the Sun, and his wings melted; he fell into the sea and drowned. The island on which his body was washed ashore was later named Icaria. Minos pursued Daedalus to Sicily and was killed by the daughters of Cocalus.

      The Greeks of the historic age attributed to Daedalus buildings and statues the origins of which were lost in the past. Later critics ascribed to him such innovations as representing humans in statues with their feet apart and their eyes open. A phase of early Greek art, Daedalic sculpture, is named for him.

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