
/kut"euhr/, n.
1. a person who cuts, esp. as a job, as one who cuts fabric for garments.
2. a machine, tool, or other device for cutting.
3. Naut.
a. a single-masted sailing vessel, very similar to a sloop but having its mast set somewhat farther astern, about two-fifths of the way aft measured on the water line.
b. a ship's boat having double-banked oars and one or two lugsails.
4. Also called revenue cutter. a lightly armed government vessel used to prevent smuggling and enforce the customs regulations.
5. a person employed as a film editor.
6. a small, light sleigh, usually single-seated and pulled by one horse.
7. Also called rubber. a brick suitable for cutting and rubbing.
8. (in U.S. government grading of beef)
a. a low-quality grade of beef between utility and canner.
b. beef of this grade, mostly used in processed beef products, as sausage.
9. (in U.S. government grading of beef) graded between utility and canner.
[1375-1425; ME kittere, cuttere. See CUT, -ER1]

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sailing craft
      small, speedy sailing vessel similar to a sloop. It has a single mast rigged fore and aft, carrying a mainsail and at least two headsails. Its traditional hull design, deep and narrow, features a raking transom stern, a vertical stem, and a long bowsprit. In U.S. Coast Guard usage, the term cutter refers to a Coast Guard vessel more than 83 feet (25 metres) long and not classed as an auxiliary vessel.

      In naval usage, a cutter is a transom-sterned utility boat, usually propelled by oars or motor and capable of being taken aboard a ship.

      lightweight, open, horse-drawn sleigh, introduced in the United States in about 1800. It usually had a single seat that held two people, but some contained a second one, which could be removed or jumped out of the way when not in use, for two additional passengers, and some had a child's seat that folded out when needed. They have been made in many different styles, but most have gracefully curved runners and decoratively coloured bodies. Cutters are still used occasionally in winter as a form of recreational transport, most often in the northeastern United States.

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  • Cutter — may refer to: Contents 1 Tools 2 Companies 3 Sport 4 …   Wikipedia

  • cutter — [ kɶtɶr; kytɛr ] n. m. • 1979; cutteur 1971; mot angl., de to cut « couper » ♦ Anglic. Instrument tranchant à lame coulissante servant à couper le papier, le carton. ● cutter nom masculin (anglais cutter, de to cut, couper) Instrument servant à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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